
Diane and Ed’s Holiday Missive 2020

The wait is over. Once again it's time for the Tellefsen annual Christmas newsletter. Diane and I have spent 58 Christmases together. And due to my ever-present holiday spirit, this is the third newsletter we've published.


Cast Iron Dream

I'm not very good with names, nor can I tell you with any accuracy where I was last Wednesday. But ask me what is my favorite restaurant…

An O/C Writers Plight

I was planning to write today.

Big Decisions

When we married Diane and I divided the responsibilities for the family’s big decisions.

Please Help Me Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Early February 2020

I just read that there is this virus coming out of Asia. It might impact the country and its economy. It's certainly not as bad as Cable news is making it out to be. I won't waste time and worry about what might be.

How Lucifer Got His Job

In the beginning, God was feeling unfulfilled, so he created Angels to observe and adore him and his creation. Yet he could not relly trust the approbation of an audience created for that specific purpose; it seemed a fraud. He knew wholehearted adoration could only come from a being with free will. To create one would mean a lot of extra work. Angels were simple celestial beings.